God’s on the other guy’s side
New Single from van goat
To Be Released: September 15th, 2023
Single Release show:
Van Goat is Aidan Ward, Lindsay Alexis, Derek Burle, Ben Einstein, and Taylor Moxon. Press photos taken by Ginger Fierstein.

Single artwork
Single artwork for “God’s On The Other Guy’s Side.” Art direction and concept by Alex Mallonee, photography by Gavin Murray, text/layout design by Matteo Marjoram.
You could be truthful, baby
You could be lying
You could be harboring
The devil inside
I'm starting to think
God's on the other guy’s side
Excellent interview
Walking on clouds
But I'm still jobless
And looking around
I'm starting to think
God's on the other guy’s side
Highly erratic
Hounds of hell
Glad that I flew some
Before I fell
Pushing and pulling
Trying to swim
Sinking in quicksand
Light's getting dim
Hands of an angel
Aces and kings
Thought i was golden
So i went all in
I’m starting to think
God's on the other guy's side
Highly erratic
Hounds of hell
Glad that I flew some
Before I fell
Pushing and pulling
Trying to swim
Sinking in quicksand
The light's getting dim
The years have been passing
What can I say?
I'm getting older
But wiser no way
I'm starting to think
God's on the other guy's side
About the song:
At first listen, you might think Van Goat’s latest single is a happy-go-lucky tune. But singer Aidan Ward sets this upbeat melody against scenes of woeful ignorance, missed opportunities, and a bitter realization that favor is not in his hands. “God’s On The Other Guy’s Side” places us in the dead center of a silent film’s slapstick universe of mishaps, where nothing can seem to go right and you can’t help but steep yourself in the cosmic farce of life.
Like its sepia-toned pre-war single artwork (which features Ward running away from a moving train), “God’s On The Other Guy’s Side” sounds anachronistic - feeling more at home alongside the popular music of the 1920’s than the 2020’s. Drummer Taylor Moxon’s steady shuffle ambles along, while Derek Burle’s bass leads us on a lackadaisical two-step in a dusty watering hole with a couple of planks missing from the floorboards. Lindsay Alexis Smith’s wallowing wah-wah trombone is a commanding presence, while twinkles of hope flit through Ben Einstein’s tack piano and Ward’s jerkily belligerent guitar pervades the almost-optimistic tone. Put it all together and you’ve got a honky tonk, old-time saloon song that weaves together the loose New Orleans swing of Dr. John, Traveling Wilbury’s rich Americana, Roger Miller’s classic country, “Mutations”-era Beck’s eclecticism, and the sound of Road Runner dropping a piano on Wile E. Coyote’s head.
God’s on the Guy’s Side’s lyrics take a tongue-in-cheek look at the line between self-pity and world-weariness, a thematic staple in country music from Hank Williams to John Prine. As Ward explains: “Life is a series of challenges punctuated by failures, and it can be tempting to assert that a force beyond your control is holding you back from achieving or gaining something. On the other hand, it can also be easy to blame yourself for every misstep and stumble to the point where you debilitate your own self esteem. The sweet spot to a balanced perspective on success is likely somewhere in between, but I don't have that playbook. Admittedly, for all of our gained skill and experience, sometimes shit just happens. Get used to it.”
Picture the scene: You find yourself walking along the train tracks, briefcase in hand, meandering home after a long day at work. Lost in your thoughts, stuck in one of life’s ruts, daydreaming about a better tomorrow - when suddenly you hear the alarming whistle of a train. You turn around and there it is, barreling towards you, expelling a menacing cloud of smoke. You break into a sprint, trying to keep control of your briefcase as it flutters in the moment’s rush - but it’s no use. One of the latches flies open and your important documents scatter to the wind. Nothing’s going right, everything’s a mess. You’re starting to think God’s on the Other Guy’s side.
Track credits:
Lead Vocals / Guitar / Clarinet: Aidan Ward
Trombone / Vocals : Lindsay Alexis Smith
Bass / Guitar/ Vocals : Derek Burle
Piano / Organ / Vocals: Ben Einstein
Drums / Percussion: Taylor Moxon
Recorded by Chris Nishimoto
Additional Recording by Ben Einstein
Mixed by Chris Hughes
Mastered by Piper Payne at Infrasonic Mastering
Contact email: vangoatband@gmail.com
European Booking: kurt.de.bont@telenet.be
Genre: New Orleans Swing / Cosmic Country / Rock
Hometown: Oakland, CA
Sounds like: Jason Isbell, Roger Miller, Dr. John
Live photos taken by Ginger Fierstein